Clackamas Coho Report

Clackamas Coho Report

2023 Coho Report

Clackamas river

There is a crazy number of coho this year and they are hitting the Clackamas with a fury.  The Clackamas River boasts a hatchery and native run of Coho.  The coho's life is fairly basic.  Smolts leave their rivers in the spring of their second year and head for the sea where they spend the next 16-20 months rearing in the ocean.  These fish can reach upwards of 24 inches and weigh in at over 8 pounds.

What You Need/What's Working

Rod:  8WT

Reel:  Hatch 7+ or comparable alternative, but we love our Hatch Reels for their durability (these fish pull line)

Line:  SA Intermediate or SA Int/S3/S5

Leader:  6’ leader built on SA flouro

Fish are thick from McIver to Carver. The hatchery run is dwindling, but the native run is increasing.  Coho will be holding in softer/slower water than steelhead.

Cast at a 70-degree angle and pull back with a large mend. Allow the fly to sink and then switch between a standard strip and a jerk strip. Game on.

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